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Charter School FAQ's

What is a Charter School?

~A charter school is a public school OF CHOICE.
Charter schools across the nation have different educational philosophies, curriculums and other additional programs that set them apart from traditional public schools.  Many charter schools are known for small class sizes and highly valued parent involvement.  Charter schools must meet all district and state education, teacher licensing, health, and safety requirements.  Most importantly charter school
students must meet or beat the standardized test scores of district public schools as written in the contract with the resident school district. Funding to establish these non-profit public schools comes from private foundations, federal grants, corporate and personal donations.  Once the school is in session, it receives a percentage of state public school funds for each student enrolled.  The charter school movement does not raise taxes, yet maintains the highest overall accountability in order to bring more educational choices to all families in our communities.

How does that differ from my neighborhood school or a Focus Option School?

~Charter schools are independent public schools contracted by their sponsoring district to provide a specific program under the conditions of their contract. They often have a greater degree of flexibility in programming, and also a greater level of accountability in that they may be shut down by their sponsoring district if performance benchmarks are not met. Students enrolled in a charter school must meet all state benchmarks and district testing requirements, as well as any additional requirements determined by the district in the charter contract. Enrollment in a charter school is completely based on lottery, and there is no preference for neighborhood residents.  Preference
is given in the following order: Current students, siblings of current students, in Hillsboro School District students the out of Hillsboro School District students. Charter schools are independent organizations, operating under their own administrative and financial policies, with oversight provided by the organization’s board of directors.

City View FAQ's

How many children attend your school, and in what grades?

~For the 2024-2025 School Year we anticipate an enrollment of 425 students in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade.

How many students are there per class?

~City View’s class sizes are 25 students per class K-5th and up to 26 in 6th-8th

How many different classes are in your school?

~Kindergarten to 7th grade currently have two classes, 8th grade has one.

Are there any fees?

~ City View does have a yearly Bridge the Gap Fund per student.  We have payment plans available for families. The Bridge the Gap fund requests that families, based on ability, agree to pay either $350 a year (with additional Fundraising), $550 a year (with additional Fundraising), or $850 a year.

Is there before and after-school care?

~City View has in-house, before, and after-school care.  You can find more here.

Do you have a lunch program, and does it qualify for the Federal Free and Reduced lunch program?

~We have an option for families who want lunch and milk delivered to the school.  This program does qualify the Free and Reduced program.  Please get in touch with the office if you need an application for Free and Reduced lunches. Please view our lunch option page to learn more about the lunch program and view the menu.

What is the focus of your school?

~City View is an EL Education school. You can find out more about Expeditionary Learning at https://eleducation.org/

Do you teach foreign languages?

~We do not offer foreign languages at City View. 

What are the demographics of City View?

~City View’s demographics fluctuate yearly due to our small size. 

Can parents volunteer in the classrooms, and is it required?

~The school would not be as successful without our parent volunteers. Parents are encouraged to volunteer at City View, though volunteering is not required. Volunteer opportunities may include small group reading leaders, math group helpers, one-on-one readers, field study chaperones, and lunch servers. We also have many options for parents to help with fundraising and special events outside school time.  Please see our Parent Page for more information.

Do you have Special Education services?

~Special Education services are provided by the Hillsboro School District on our campus for any enrolled students who qualify.

Do students receive art instruction?

~We are pleased to offer instruction and exposure to the arts in all grades with funding from our Parent Crew and additional community support. Classes also include extra arts instruction for their current educational project and weave arts as a fundamental component into the overall curriculum when possible.

Enrollment FAQ's

How do I enroll my student?

~ Please fill out the application on the Admissions page.   After submitting your application, please plan on attending the Open Houses. The week after the open houses, we hold the lottery.  You should receive an email after 5 pm on the lottery day either confirming that your student received a space in the class or your waitlist number.

What is a lottery?

~When we have more applications than spaces, state law requires us to hold a lottery to fill our available spaces.

How is the lottery drawn?

~ The lottery will be done electronically using a program that utilizes a random number generator.     

I have multiple students; if one student is enrolled does that mean the others will too?

~Not necessarily.  We give preference to students who are currently attending the school.  If your student has not started at City View yet, the siblings are not prioritized.  However, once the sibling attends the first day of school, then the siblings will be moved up on the waiting list.

If my student does not receive a space this year, will I reapply next year?

~ Yes.  We do not hold over the waiting lists from year to year.

My student is on an IEP or 504 plan. Can you accommodate them?

~ Yes.  Please ensure the school knows the IEP or 504 when registering the student (not at the application phase).
This will help the administration ensure we have all the necessary information to help ensure your student's success at City View.  As a note, City View can only offer Resource Room only supports to students.

How can I visit the school?

~ All families are welcome to attend the Open Houses each year in March and April. More information is on the

How many spaces do you have each year?

~It varies from year to year and by grade level. Generally speaking, most spaces are available in kindergarten; the 
number varies depending on how many younger siblings enter the incoming kindergarten class. First through fifth grades may or may not have openings, depending on if students from the previous year relocate.

Do you admit students mid-year?

~We try and keep our classes full at 24 students per class.  However, we do not enroll new students for that school year after April.