Admissions » Admissions Information

Admissions Information

Welcome to City View Charter School!

We understand that choosing the right school for your child is an important decision, and we're here to support you every step of the way. As you consider enrolling your child at City View, we want to share some friendly considerations to help you make the best choice for your family:

  • Engaging Academic Environment: Our school offers an engaging academic environment where students are encouraged to explore, learn, and grow.
  • Support for Students with IEPs or 504 Plans: If your child has an IEP or a 504 plan, we're committed to ensuring that their academic needs are met with our specialized student services. Please note that while we strive to provide support, our resources may not be as extensive as those available at larger schools. Please ensure the school knows the IEP or 504 when registering the student (not at the application phase). This will help the administration ensure we have all the necessary information to help ensure your student's success at City View. As a note, City View can only offer Resource Room-only supports to students.
  • Transition and Attachment: We understand that transitioning to a new school can be a big change for students. Consider how attached your child is to their current school, friends, and teachers, and how adaptable they are to new environments.
  • Sibling Coordination: If you have siblings in another school, please keep in mind that our school does not provide school bus service, which may require coordinating multiple drop-offs and pick-ups.
  • Commute Considerations: Consider how our school location may impact your commute to and from work.
  • Fieldwork and Community Engagement: Our school values hands-on learning experiences and community involvement. Families are encouraged to participate in fieldwork activities, which may occasionally include overnight trips.
  • Different School Day and Calendar: Our school day and calendar may differ from other schools in the area. While we offer morning and afternoon recesses (K-5th) and a lunch break, please be aware that our schedule may vary from district schools.
  • Financial Support and Fundraising: As a charter school, City View receives only 80% of the state funding allocated to public school students. We rely on our supportive community for volunteer service and fundraising efforts to bridge our financial gap. While we do our best to meet the needs of all students, please understand that our resources may be limited compared to larger schools.

We want to assure you that we're committed to providing a positive and enriching experience for every student at City View Charter School. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our school community, please don't hesitate to reach out. We look forward to welcoming you!

Non-Discrimination Policy
City View Charter School, a tuition-free, public charter school of Hillsboro, OR will not consider ethnicity, national origin, race, religion, disability, gender, income level, proficiency in the English language, or athletic ability as factors in admission. (ORS 338.125 (3)) Following state statute (ORS 338.125), age and grade will be the only admission criteria used by the City View Charter School.